picture of guide Dawa Tshering

  • Certified Guide Since 2016
  • Cultural & Hiking Guide
  • Language: English, Hindi & Nepali
Mr. Dawa, despite his Media Science degree, finds profound fulfillment in guiding, sharing Bhutan's tales with global visitors for over nine years, showcasing extensive expertise. Beyond guiding, he excels as both a singer and songwriter, deriving immense satisfaction from music. His multifaceted talents enrich his experiences, adding depth to his passions and talents, ensuring memorable encounters for those exploring the wonders of Bhutan with him.

picture of guide Jamyang Lekshey

  • Certified Guide Since 2015
  • Cultural, Trekking & Hiking Guide
  • Language: English, Hindi & Nepali
Mr. Jamyang exudes profound satisfaction as a guide relishing the chance to share Bhutan's captivating narratives with international guests. With a decade of dedicated involvement, he has honed his expertise to remarkable levels, becoming a seasoned professional with an unparalleled understanding of Bhutan's cultural heritage and natural wonders, enriching visitors' experiences through passion and commitment.

picture of guide Ugyen Kinley Wangdi

  • Certified Guide Since 2018
  • Cultural, Trekking & Hiking Guide
  • Language: English, Hindi & Nepali
Mr. Ugyen finds immense fulfillment as a guide, eagerly sharing captivating Bhutanese stories with global travelers. With over seven years of dedication, he's amassed extensive knowledge, becoming a trusted companion for explorers. Beyond guiding, he finds joy in photography, serving as a freelance photographer. His multifaceted talents enrich his role, ensuring memorable experiences for those venturing into the wonders of Bhutan.

picture of guide Sangay Thinley

  • Certified Guide Since 2018
  • Cultural & Hiking Guide
  • Language: English, Hindi & Nepali
Mr. Sangay cherishes his role as a guide, relishing the opportunity to share captivating Bhutanese stories with travelers worldwide. Despite other career options, he prioritized guiding. With over seven years of experience, he's honed his skills. Beyond guiding, he finds immense joy in his video and photography talents, serving as a proficient Video & Photographer. His diverse skills enrich his ability to create memorable experiences for visitors.

picture of guide Sangay Thinley

  • Certified Guide Since 2014
  • Cultural & Hiking Guide
  • Language: English, Hindi & Nepali
Mr. Yeshey takes delight in guiding, savoring the chance to share vibrant Bhutanese stories with global visitors. Despite holding a bachelor's degree, he prioritized guiding. With over a decade of dedicated experience, his knowledge is extensive. During leisure, he indulges in hiking and pilgrimage tours, deepening his connection with Bhutan's natural and spiritual heritage, enhancing his guiding experiences with enriched insights and appreciation.


picture of Mr. Singye Wangchuk

  • Communications & Logistics Manager
Mr. Singye finds pure joy in managing logistics and communication, skillfully overseeing operational logistics with precision and strategic insight. With over eight years of experience, his expertise enhances his role, prioritizing process optimization and compliance to advance organizational objectives. Beyond supply chain management and inventory control, he excels in client communication, ensuring seamless operations and client satisfaction.

picture of Miss Tshering Choden

  • Finance Officer
Mrs. Tshering's passion for numbers and money fuels her role as a finance officer, where she adeptly manages financial matters with precision and strategic insight. With a bachelor's degree in Finance and Accounting and over a decade of experience, she brings expertise and a keen understanding of fiscal intricacies to her position. Beyond budgeting and financial analysis, she prioritizes process optimization and regulatory compliance to support organizational objectives.

picture of Mr. Samten Thinley

  • IT & Contents Manager
Mr. Samten thrives in his role as Content Manager, meticulously curating and overseeing engaging content creation. With nine years of experience, he possesses a wealth of knowledge in content strategy. Additionally, he manages the IT department, indulging in coding and web development. Beyond content planning and publication, his multifaceted skills contribute to a comprehensive approach in enhancing organizational content and technical infrastructure.

picture of Miss Choki Lhamo

  • Ticketing Officer
Miss Choki finds profound fulfillment as a ticketing officer, adeptly managing ticket sales and customer service. With over six years of industry experience, she possesses a sharp understanding of ticketing intricacies. Alongside her ticketing duties, she enjoys creating content for her YouTube channel, reflecting her passion for multimedia. Miss Lhamo's multifaceted talents contribute to her role, ensuring a seamless blend of customer satisfaction and creative expression

picture of Mr. Tsheten Wangchuk

  • HR Officer
Mr. Tsheten excels in his role as an HR officer, relishing the challenge of managing human resources with care and precision. In addition to recruitment, employee relations, and performance management, he prioritizes fostering a positive work environment and supporting professional growth and well-being. His dedication extends beyond core responsibilities, ensuring a harmonious workplace and the development of all employees under his care.

picture of Miss Zepa Lhamo

  • Legal Officer
Miss Zepa derives deep fulfillment as a legal officer at Found Bhutan, navigating law and regulations with zeal. Armed with a bachelor's degree in Law and over 6 years of experience, she possesses expertise and a keen understanding of legal complexities. Beyond her legal pursuits, she finds solace in music and singing during leisure. This balance between professional dedication and personal enjoyment enriches her overall well-being and effectiveness in her role.